
Cheap shot or self preservation?

Was this a cheap shot? From what I see in the clip Tootoo hits Modano and while wheeling around sees Robidas coming in.
Robidas is obviously coming in to respond to the hit. Tootoo just beats him to the punch. Was the reaction correct. No should is be punished by the league probably.


Anonymous said...

i think that tootoo knew what was comin' after that hit. in my opinion he did exactly what guys should be doing after completely demolishing a high profile player like modano. i say good job tootoo.. (why hit one guy when you can hit 2... really hard...)

Joe Reynolds said...

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Is it a suckerpunch when you look the guy in the eyes and hit him in the teeth? I don't think so. I hope the league dosen't suspend him. He hit Modano clean and then Robidas comes in to put him into the boards when the puck is nowhere near him???? I think this was the right play by Robidas, you have to protect your star players. However, you have to expect the other guy to fight back and not take it. Tootoo will probably get suspended for this and it is too bad. That's tough hockey.

Backhand said...

No, its not a sucker punch, buts a punch to a guys head. If Tootoo was gonna defend himself stand up Robidas or get your arms up. He didnt defend himself from Robidas, he attacked him before he even initiated contact with him. I think he should be suspended for a couple games, punching someone in the face is not how you protect yourself. Thats not tough hockey, its cheap hockey. Shove him down, hit him back later, thats tough hockey.

Rory said...

It was a cheapshot, I think 5 games was too much, but he deserved a suspension, punching the guy square in the face with his glove on and he was unable to defend himself, I think Modano is just thankful it was not him.